

2007 Intermold Korea Fair was held in KINTEX, Ilsan from March 21st to 25th.
We, NCB co.,ltd, introduced our product, NCBrain, with 4 sessions to audience.
"Injection Mold” session which takes up more than 80% in Korean mold industry.
”Press Mold” session which world top 3 press mold company are using NCBrain.
"Mobile phone” session which is one of most developed field in Korea
”2D CAM” session which you can work easily with NCBrain when working mold base job.
We also prepared some event that you can take a photo with fantastic stand female model for your good memory.
We saw an outstanding success in this intermold fair on account of audience’s big applause.
In particular, we cannot thank you enough to our foreign resellers from Taiwan, Vietnam, Portugal, and Turkey to bring bright fame for our company.
In the end, we also want to celebrate ourselves because we’ve showed off our great unity to all audience & people related during this Fair.

첨부파일 다운로드




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