
Epilogue of Euromold 2012 in Frankfurt, Germany

Epilogue of Euromold 2012 in Frankfurt, Germany

We, NCB co.,ltd, took part in the Euromold 2012 in Frankfurt, Germany 27th ~ 30th of Nov.
More than 500 exhibitors & 15,000 visitors from 34 countries have attended this exhibition.
NCBrain got a special interest and attention as a key solution for innovation tools, and got a inquiry from many competitive companies for a bilateral project.

In especial, one of domestic cooperative companies, Dok-il system & foreign resellers from Turkey, Portugal,
and Marubeni information, Japan visited our booth to show strong relationship together.
In addition, the existing customers HMC, KIA etc from Korea visited our booth, which made more meaningful event.
We really appreciate your big concern and support all the time, and we will do our best more than you imagine.


첨부파일 다운로드




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