
After "2008 Euromold" exhibition in Frankfurt Germany

We, NCB co.,ltd, attended ‘2008 Euromold Exhibition in Franfurt, Germany’, which is world-class 3 big major exhibition, from 3rd ? 6th of Dec.
Since 2005, We have attended this exhibition for advertising & extending our NCBrain market in various European countries including Germany.

The number of visitors has been little bit decreased due to world business depression in USA, and European countries.
Though NCB co.,ltd is not getting world famous recognition yet compared with big major cad/cam companies, we could see how our NCBrain is extending its brand name in various
European market.

In particular, a lot of world famous cad/cam companies, like Solidcam(Israel), Mastercam(USA), Euklid cad/cam(Switzerland), and NC makers, like Huron, Trimill visited our booth, and had
a chance to discuss future cooperative business. We are sure this will be our steeping-stone to upgrade our company and product as time goes by.

To the end, we really appreciate all our visitors & customers, including our resellers Mr.Ogawa working for Marubeni information(Japan) & Mr.Rolo from Tecnirolo(Portugal), from Topia(Japan)
, Sun High Tec, first NCBrain customer in Malaysia, HH Precision(Malaysia), Sermo, one of Arrl group in Poland, Euklid cad/cam(Switzedland & Mexico), and Huron(Canada) & Trimill(Chez).

We, NCB co.,ltd, keep promising to listen to our customers’ voice and doing our best to meet the needs of various customers in many countries under the motto of ‘Second to none’ with modest attitude all the time.

첨부파일 다운로드




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