
5th NCBrain customers’ athlete festival

We, NCB co.,ltd, held ‘5th NCBrain customers’ athlete festival’ in Shinheung elementary school on 11th of Oct. 2008.
7 customers, including Plakor, JY Solutec, and Hanyang mold co.,ltd, took part in this event, and had a great time with their family.
As old saying goes like this, ‘Only the collar it grazes and there is an end which is a karma…’
We, NCB co.,ltd, always bear this saying in mind, and have thought our precious customers as our priorities.
Plakor co.,ltd won first prize in ‘Kick-ball’ & relay running’ event at the same time, and Hanyang mold ranked in a 2nd position.

We really appreciate stable sponsorship by Hwachon machinery & president Mr.Park from NSB.
We also cannot thank enough to our respectful 7 customers attending this event, and left meaningful moment.
We, NCB co.,ltd, will try to make every efforts for our precious customers with our invaluable motto in mind, “Customers’ needs are our top priority.”

첨부파일 다운로드




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