
2008 Asia Mold in Guangzohu China

We, NCB co.,ltd, attended 2008 Asia Mold in Guangzohu, China, which was 2nd exhibition in Guangzohu,
  held from 24th to 26th of September.
  The volume of this exhibition was not bigger than expected, but approximately 300 exhibitors from European countires, Taiwan, and Japan-china
  corporated companies joined this exhibition in 2 halls.
  China, which has the image of production base camp for various countries, has been rapidly developing mold industry especially in automotive parts.
  The technical gap between Korean and China is getting closer and closer as time goes by.
  We, NCB co.,ltd, have attended 2 Chinese exhibition this year in Shanghai & Guangzohu, and felt we, including our company, should make
  every efforts to maintain upper position than China all the time.
  Thank you for visiting our booth during exhibition

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