
Inviting GuangDong Machinery Mold Technology Promotion Association






Apr.9~14 we are honored to invited Guang-Dong Machinery Mold Technology Promotion Association (GMMTPA) 24 guests and our partner 6 guests came to have a six-day-visit with us. During the time of the visit, we introduced the situation of Korean die manufacture and experienced the Korean Culture together.

During that time the chairman of the association and the business representatives who have the biggest dimensions of die business in the world (At least have 100 NC) have made a profound friendship.

First DayVisited SIMTOS exhibitionNCB and HWACHEON booth

Second DayVisited NCB and other 4 customs factories of NCB. Visited Korea Federation of Machinery Industry Cooperatives (KOMICO)

Third Day and Fourth Day: Seoul, Nami Island and small french village.

The biggest achievement of this visit is KOMICO accepted the invitation from GMMTPA, agreed the KOMICO will visit GMMTPA in the future.

Once again, Thanks everyone who build the bridge for China-Korea Die business communication.


첨부파일 다운로드




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