
Epilogue of Workshop in 2013

Wrapping up the first half year for 2013, NCB's  head office staff and china branch staff went workshop to Kangwondo for one

night and 2days. First day, we gather up at our company. and then we went to east sea to watch beautiful view, play Korean wrestling, soccer and lots of other activities. For Dinner, we went to restaurant and had sashimi near the east sea. After that we went to club for dancing.Next day, we went to O dae mountain's so kum river. we walked to watch waterfall call

Goo-Ryong for two hour. The way to nine daragon waterfall was tough. but we had a great time there. After way back to

company, we had delicious Korean beef to supply energy. when we arrive to company it was almost10 pm all the staff was

exhausted but had great workshop.NCB will come back to daily life, and we will do our best to help clients to succcess in

business again.

Thank you



첨부파일 다운로드




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