
Euromold 2010 in Germany

We, NCB co., Ltd. participated in Euromold exhibition, and also we attended this year event ‘Euromold 2010’ as an exhibitor from 1st ~ 4th of Dec in Frankfurt, Germany.
 In spite of decreased visitors, we had many meaningful business meetings with many potential customers from various countries.
With this exhibition, we feel we are getting more and more recognition world-widely, and this makes us feel proud of ourselves as time goes by.

At the same time, we also feel we should do our utmost to get our NCBrain born into ‘global world-class customized NCBrain’.
We are sure this will be our steeping-stone to upgrade our company and product continuously.
Lastly, we really appreciate all visitors in persons to our booth,
Second to None’!!!

첨부파일 다운로드




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